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- section text,CODE
- * C initial startup procedure under AmigaDOS
- *
- * Requirements:
- INCLUDE "exec/types.i"
- INCLUDE "exec/alerts.i"
- INCLUDE "exec/nodes.i"
- INCLUDE "exec/lists.i"
- INCLUDE "exec/ports.i"
- INCLUDE "exec/libraries.i"
- INCLUDE "exec/tasks.i"
- INCLUDE "libraries/dos.i"
- INCLUDE "libraries/dosextens.i"
- INCLUDE "workbench/startup.i"
- ; some usefull macros:
- xlib macro
- xref _LVO\1
- endm
- callsys macro
- endm
- xdef _XCEXIT * exit(code) is standard way to leave C.
- xdef _SaveMem
- xdef _ValidateMem
- xref _LinkerDB * linker defined base value
- xref _Debug
- xref __main * Name of C program to start with.
- xref _AbsExecBase
- xref _FindTask
- xref _DOSBase
- xlib Alert
- xlib FindTask
- xlib Forbid
- xlib GetMsg
- xlib OpenLibrary
- xlib CloseLibrary
- xlib ReplyMsg
- xlib Wait
- xlib WaitPort
- xlib Open
- xlib Close
- xlib CurrentDir
- *** this is the number of LONGWORDS at the start of memory to be checked
- start:
- move.l d0,dosCmdLen
- move.l a0,dosCmdBuf
- move.l a7,d0 ; save old stack ptr
- movem.l d1-d6/a0-a6,-(a7)
- move.l d0,a5
- move.l _AbsExecBase,a6
- move.l a6,_SysBase
- move.l a7,__StackPtr * Save stack ptr
- clr.l _WBenchMsg
- ;------ get the address of our task
- suba.l a1,a1
- callsys FindTask
- move.l d0,a4
- ;------ are we running as a son of Workbench?
- move.l pr_CurrentDir(A4),_curdir
- tst.l pr_CLI(A4)
- beq fromWorkbench
- ;=======================================================================
- ;====== CLI Startup Code ===============================================
- ;=======================================================================
- fromCLI:
- move.l a5,D0 ; get top of stack
- sub.l 4(a5),D0 ; compute bottom
- move.l D0,__base ; save for stack checking
- ;------ attempt to open DOS library:
- bsr openDOS
- ;------ find command name:
- move.l #start,a0
- clr.l -(sp)
- jsr _FindTask
- addq.l #4,sp
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l pr_CLI(a0),a0
- add.l a0,a0 ; bcpl pointer conversion
- add.l a0,a0
- move.l cli_CommandName(a0),a1
- add.l a1,a1 ; bcpl pointer conversion
- add.l a1,a1
- ;------ collect parameters:
- move.l dosCmdLen,d0 ; get command line length
- move.l a1,__ProgramName
- addq.l #1,d0 ; allow for space after command
- clr.w -(A7) ; set null terminator for command line
- addq.l #1,D0 ; force to even number of bytes
- andi.w #$fffe,D0 ;(round up)
- sub.l D0,A7 ; make room on stack for command line
- subq.l #2,D0
- clr.w 0(A7,D0)
- ;------ copy command line onto stack
- move.l dosCmdLen,d0 ; get command line length
- move.l dosCmdBuf,a0
- move.l d0,d2
- subq.l #1,d0
- copy_line:
- move.b 0(A0,D0.W),0(A7,D2.W) ; copy command line to stack
- subq.l #1,d2
- dbf d0,copy_line
- move.b #' ',0(a7,d2.w) ; add space between command and parms
- subq.l #1,d2
- copy_cmd:
- move.l A7,A1
- move.l A1,-(A7) ; push command line address
- bra goto_main * call C entrypoint
- ;=======================================================================
- ;====== Workbench Startup Code =========================================
- ;=======================================================================
- fromWorkbench:
- move.l TC_SPLOWER(a4),__base ; set base of stack
- ;------ open the DOS library:
- bsr openDOS
- ;------ we are now set up. wait for a message from our starter
- bsr waitmsg
- move.l d0,_WBenchMsg
- move.l d0,-(SP)
- ;
- move.l d0,a2 ; get first argument
- move.l sm_ArgList(a2),d0
- beq.s do_cons
- move.l _DOSBase,a6
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l wa_Lock(a0),d1
- move.l d1,_curdir
- callsys CurrentDir
- do_cons:
- move.l sm_ToolWindow(a2),d1 ; get the window argument
- beq.s do_main
- move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2
- callsys Open
- move.l d0,stdin
- beq.s do_main
- lsl.l #2,d0
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l fh_Type(a0),pr_ConsoleTask(A4)
- do_main:
- move.l _WBenchMsg,a0 ; get address of workbench message
- move.l sm_ArgList(a0),a0 ; get address of arguments
- move.l wa_Name(a0),__ProgramName ; get name of program
- moveq #0,d0
- move.l d0,-(A7)
- goto_main:
- lea _LinkerDB,a6 ; load base register
- jsr __main * call C entrypoint
- moveq.l #0,d0 ; set successful status
- bra.s exit2
- ;
- move.l 4(SP),d0 ; extract return code
- exit2:
- move.l d0,-(a7)
- move.l _SysBase,a6
- move.l _DOSBase,a1
- callsys CloseLibrary ; close Dos library
- done_1b:
- ;------ if we ran from CLI, skip workbench cleanup:
- tst.l _WBenchMsg
- beq.s exitToDOS
- move.l _console_dev,d1
- beq.s done_2
- callsys Close
- done_2:
- move.l stdin,d1
- beq.s done_4
- callsys Close
- done_4:
- ;------ return the startup message to our parent
- ; we forbid so workbench can't UnLoadSeg() us
- ; before we are done:
- move.l _AbsExecBase,A6
- callsys Forbid
- move.l _WBenchMsg,a1
- callsys ReplyMsg
- ;------ this rts sends us back to DOS:
- exitToDOS:
- MOVE.L (A7)+,D0
- movea.l __StackPtr,SP * restore stack ptr
- movem.l (a7)+,d1-d6/a0-a6
- rts * and exit
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- noDOS:
- ALERT (AG_OpenLib!AO_DOSLib)
- moveq.l #100,d0
- bra exit2
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; This routine gets the message that workbench will send to us
- ; called with task id in A4
- waitmsg:
- lea pr_MsgPort(A4),a0 * our process base
- callsys WaitPort
- lea pr_MsgPort(A4),a0 * our process base
- callsys GetMsg
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Open the DOS library:
- openDOS
- lea DOSName,A1
- moveq.l #0,D0
- callsys OpenLibrary
- move.l D0,_DOSBase
- beq noDOS
- rts
- *************************************************************************
- * Validate the current memory information and put up an alert if it is
- * in sad shape
- *************************************************************************
- _ValidateMem:
- movem.L A0/A1,-(A7)
- moveq.l #MEMSAVESIZE,D0
- LEA 0,A0
- LEA savearea,A1
- checkit:
- cmp.l (A0)+,(A1)+
- dbne D0,checkit
- addq #1,D0
- beq allok
- * restore what got scrod
- * first format the message to be printed
- * we get a pointer to the address and the data portion
- move.l -(A0),D0 get the value that was put in
- move.l -(A1),(A0) and replace with what should have been there
- move.l 12(A7),A1 point to where we should save the result
- move.l D0,(A1) save the value
- move.l A0,4(A1) and the address for the routine to munge
- moveq.l #1,D0 set a result value to indicate failure
- allok:
- movem.l (a7)+,A0/A1
- rts
- _SaveMem:
- movem.L D0/A0/A1,-(A7)
- moveq.l #MEMSAVESIZE,D0
- LEA 0,A0
- LEA savearea,A1
- savelp:
- move.l (A0)+,(A1)+
- DBF D0,savelp
- movem.l (A7)+,D0/A0/A1
- rts
- section "__MERGED",DATA
- ;
- XDEF _NULL,_SysBase,_LoadAddress,_console_dev,_WBenchMsg
- XDEF _curdir,__mbase,__mnext,__msize,__tsize
- XDEF __ProgramName,__StackPtr,__base
- ;
- _NULL dc.l 0 ;
- savearea ds.l MEMSAVESIZE+2 ;for save and compare of memory
- __base dc.l 0 ; base of stack
- __mbase dc.l 0 ; base of memory pool
- __mnext dc.l 0 ; next available memory location
- __msize dc.l 0 ; size of memory pool
- __tsize dc.l 0 ; total size?
- __oserr equ *
- __OSERR dc.l 0
- __FPERR dc.l 0
- __SIGFPE dc.l 0
- __SIGINT dc.l 0
- __ONERR dc.l 0
- __ONEXIT dc.l 0
- __ONBREAK dc.l 0
- __ECS dc.l 0 ; extended character set flag
- _curdir dc.l 0
- _console_dev dc.l 0
- _SysBase dc.l 0
- _LoadAddress dc.l 0 ; program load address
- _WBenchMsg dc.l 0
- __StackPtr dc.l 0
- dosCmdLen dc.l 0
- dosCmdBuf dc.l 0
- stdin dc.l 0
- __ProgramName dc.l 0